Monday, November 24, 2008

A moment of reflection

I've been slacking off blogging alot - facebook. It seems like i'm updating my most recent pics and what's going on in my life on facebook so i've been very lazy.

Last week was a very busy week for me. With lots of appointments, along with a new risk system training, our PD day, and our award and recognition night at Hilton (our early Christmas party).

In our PD day, there was lots to learn. One speaker that attended, which I felt was really really good is a guy who talked about success. He then flipped up a slide and told us to spend 5 mins to answer these questions and share it with the person next to you. It made me think...

Take a moment to have a think. You'd be suprised at what you come out with and happy that you spared that 5 mins just to have a think and jot some notes down.

What crossroads are you faced with at this point in time?

What promise am I prepared to make that constitutes a risk for me?

What price and I willing to pay to keep my committment... or fail in my committments?

What declaration of possibility can you make that has the power to inspire you, your collegues and your clients?

Sunday, November 09, 2008

好眼淚壞眼淚 good tears bad tears

A very touching and sad song..

我曾 認真 深愛著一個人 他給我幸福的可能

我等 我問 未來何時發生 他只是給我一個吻

快樂 我哭 是因為你的手 曾答應帶我向前走

難過 我哭 是因為我的手 找不到你說的以後

好眼淚 壞眼淚 我都曾為你流 感動和悲傷都是理由

只不過 在你不再愛我了以後 剩壞的眼淚慢慢流

快樂 我哭 是因為我付出 得到你溫柔的答覆

難過 我哭 是因為我認輸 你的心永遠留不住

好眼淚 壞眼淚 我都曾為你流 感動和悲傷都是理由

只希望 在我不再想你了之後 有好的眼淚慢慢流

好眼淚 壞眼淚 我都曾為你流 感動和悲傷都是理由

只希望 在我不再想你了之後

有好的眼淚慢慢流 有好的笑容陪著我