Friday, September 25, 2009

Animal Communication

On Wednesday, Siw Bak ran away from our new place. I had searched from 2pm till 6pm running along the streets, knocking on every door, asking every single person that I crossed paths with, whether they have seen a little white dog. No one saw him.

We drove around the area, screaming his name until my voice had gone coarse. While I was driving, I was also looking on the road. My heart throbbed just thinking he may of been run over :(

We called the Hornsby Council, Parramatta City Council, all the vets in the area and all the dog pounds. Lucky Siw Bak is chipped, but then I was worried someone may have seen how cute he was and kept him.

At 6pm, we decided to take a rest and I logged onto MSN and that's when my cousin in Hong Kong messaged me. She said she can help me find Siw Bak because she knows animal communication and can talk to animals by looking at their eye. I sent her a picture of Siw Bak straight away and she communicated with him straight away.

She told me Siw Bak is very happy and he just wants to play. When he is hungry, he will come home. She said he knows his way home.

This is a letter that Siw Bak wrote to me that made me cry...

He drew a map to tell me where he was. This is the map.

I looked at the above map and I couldn't figure where it was... so I told my cousin to ask him to draw a clearer map. She told him I wanted to go to play with him and draw a clearer map of his location. This is the final map he drew.

I'm amazed because it's the first time I've ever heard of Animal Communication.
It's facinated me and i'm looking into learning more about it.

Here is my cousins website and a few drawings she's had with her beautiful poodle:

And here's a link to where you can read more about Animal Communication.

My first experience with it and it's an eye opener. Makes me want to learn it too :)
At around 7pm, we started to search again. We ended up finding Siw Bak at 11pm on Pennant Hills Road. I am so glad we found him. I don't know what I would do if I lost him.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Feeling weird

It's suppose to be a happy feeling yet i'm not feeling the way I should be feeling.
I'm not used to the environment that i'm in now, yet i'm not sure how I should feel.
It's a weird kind of a feeling.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

I'm soo HAPPY!! It took me ages to be able to learn how to put a photo as the background picture on my blog !! I finally found out how to do it !!! YAY!!

Monday, September 07, 2009

Bringing back 1994/1995

Over the weekend, I was doing some packing and I found my 1994/1995 diary entries. I started to read through it and it was quite funny.

My thinking was so simple back then. It seemed like my life revolved around what to bring for lunch, my mum and dad, who's my best friend at school, how long I was allowed to talk on the phone for, my curfews, which group to hang around with and the boys that surrounded me.

Reading back, I wasn't sure if I was to laugh or to cry.

I read back when I first dated my very first boyfriend. Somehow, he had a connection with some girls at Kalee's high school. When he and I broke up after 3 months, he called Kalee and told her off for telling me gossip about him. Apparently my reason back then for breaking up with him was that he called me to much and I was scared one day he would break up with me because he was too bored and we would have nothing to talk about.

Sitting there yesterday reading my diary was so funny. Coincidently, his surname was Yau.

I read about who to invite to my Year 10 formal, and the guys who I had crushes on, who had to ask another girl to call to say he couldn't be my partner. (This was a hot aussie dude who taught me Hap Ki Do). The dilemmas on who to choose and reasons why i'm choosing this guy and not another. I was bursting with giggles and tears.

I'm so glad that I've had a history of diary writing. It's these moments and we cherish and we smile at, and ones that we'll never forget :)

Friday, September 04, 2009

Relationship Sadness

About a month ago, I read in my friends blog about how she feels upset when she hears someone go through a tough time in their relationship.

These few days, i've been feeling a sadness for a very good friend of mine because of her relationship. The happiness, the sadness, all the crying and all the laughing. When I see their photos, I can feel genuine happiness but as everyone says, nothing is perfect.

I wonder whether it's not the right timing, or whether it's fate. Or perhaps they both haven't tried enough. In today's conversation with her, I brought up the topic that generally people take the easy way out and give up. Is that the way it's suppose to be?

I honestly don't know. All i'm wishing for is happiness to my friend who is very sad and i'm sure one day you will think back today and smile back at what you have been through with happy memories :)