Friday, February 26, 2010


A fresh new year brings me alot of happiness.

My lovely wedding celebrated with lots of loved family and friends from Sydney and across the world. I cannot express how happy and how lucky I feel to have these family and friends who have been part of my life. It brings tears and emotion to my eyes when I think of the many relatives and friends who came to my wedding from overseas. I thank them dearly from the bottom of my heart. And of course, my friends that attended my wedding from Sydney :)

My honeymoon to Hong Kong, Macau, Ju Hoi and Japan was one of the most enjoyable trips of my life. My first year giving red pockets felt weird. People calling my hubby my "husband" or my "sin san" felt weird. BUT, i'm getting used to it now :)

A very emotional and memoriable moment for me while we were on our honeymoon is when Ray and I was crossing the border from Ju Hoi to Macau one morning. There was lots of people in the queue we were lining up. There was more than 40 people in front of us.
An officer opened the counter next to us, and he looked at Ray and I and told us to walk forward to start a new queue. As we walked forward, a lady in front of me must have seen the officer wave his hand for us to walk forward, so she walked in front of me. Then a man with a big back pack walked in front of me and pushed me abit. Ray got really upset and grabbed the guys bag from behind and asked him what he was doing. The man (typical china man) said he was walking to start a new line and the lady that walked forward, was his wife. Ray said to the man that he pushed his wife (me) very loudly and the man politely apologised. I was touched, so touched that it bought a tear to my eye. I never thought that anyone would do that for me. Usually guys try to avoid trouble and don't say anything. I'm glad my man stood up for me!!

Now, i'm back from my honeymoon, have settled back in at my new home. I've heard some good news and a possible promotion from my boss who have left me a message to call him as soon as I land back in Sydney.

I'm looking forward to a great Tiger year!!