Friday, May 26, 2006

...assignment time AGAIN...

Arrgg... its that time again.... assignment time!
Have been waiting for my notes to arrive, but just found out that i dont get any course notes for this subject! Apparently everything is online. Printed my assignment... aii... 30 PAGE PLAN!!! Was talking to my collegues and her limit was 60 pages! How can i do it in 30 pages ??

Thank God its my last subject! No exams!! Two assignments and a presentation..... Im sooooOOO happy! No more exams!!
No more ever.. unless I plan to do my CFP's... which im still "in thinking" and if i do it, it might not be till a couple of years anyways!! If i do it and get a pay rise.. i'll do it.. if not.. i'll defer ... heheee =P

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