Friday, September 08, 2006

100+ days to gain, and just one to lose

I often ask myself the question " how can i trust a person?, how many people in this world do i truly trust from the bottom of my heart?" I can only answer, not many.

Trust takes so much time to gain in a relationship.. so easy to lose, but how does one gain it back? Is it the issue of person A or person B? How do you let go of the barrier to trust ?
Even the smallest incidents will bring 101 questions to fly through my little brain - not a good thing.

Is it because mentally im scared to get hurt again, so i dont want to trust? Or is it because one incident of lost trust has thrown everything down the water. Or is it as one of my friends said, lack of self confidence? A mixture of all?

I can honestly say that there was one person in my life that I can no doubt say I trusted 110%. (This of course, is besides my family and my dearest best friend K). It took many ups and downs to build that trust and three and a half long years of friendship. Out of that friendship, I learnt that the more you trust a person, the more confident you are in what they say, but what if one day, they hurt you so much, that you can't trust that person again, or any other person for that matter?

What would you do then? ....

1 comment:

angel shane said...

have just read your post and im totally relating... :(