Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I've been feeling very homesick and emotional the last couple of days.
I'm really missing home. I really feel like going home. I feel like packing my bags and getting on the next flight back to Sydney, but I know I can't give up that easily.
I miss having someone nag at me all the time, telling me to bring an umbrella when it's raining, bring a jacket when it's cold, not to come home too late.....
I miss the random chats and arguments with my brother.
I miss bugging him and asking him all sorts of silly questions.
I miss being able to pick up the phone and ring up my bestest friends at any time and doing our "guess whats?"
I miss all our yumcha, badminton & dinner & dessert gatherings.
I miss the fresh fruits and veges.
I miss the famous Belgium Beer Cafe Blue Cheese mussels & their yummy fries & mayo (Thanks Becs for reminding me!! ).
I miss getting into my car and driving where I want to go.
I miss the view of the Harbour Bridge every time I drive home from the city.
I miss the peacefulness of home and the beautiful fresh lavender smell everytime I walk to my front door.
I miss my house.
I miss my bathroom.
I miss my room and all the things in my room.
I miss the clean fresh crisp air.
I miss the beautiful glowing sunshine.
I miss seeing big thick trees & beautiful green grass.
I miss the fresh green grass smell after our gardener cuts our grass.
I miss my ex latest addiction back home - banana bread =)
I miss those yummy cupcakes & banana pizza's.
I miss Sydney yumcha - it's not often you get lady's pushing trolleys with varieties of dim sims, calling "char siw bau".... hehe.. you have to tick what you want on paper here, and then they bring it over.
I miss hearing the intro to Seven Nightly news at 6pm and then Today Tonight... man.. this is sad.. i'm missing everything about home.

I got a fantastic offer offer today - if i come back to Syd permanently, i'm officially the Godmother of K & D's precious baby girl !! I'm considering this offer very very carefully (as she no longer needs to be born on my birthday for me to be Godmother!! ) =P

1 comment:

JactheBrat said...

Hey Chicky, hang in there...the phase will pass :-) It won't be the last time that you'll miss 'home' though :-) But things will work out :-) It will be challenging but it will definitely make you a stronger chicky :-)

Soon enough you will be calling HK 'home' :-)