Sunday, April 15, 2007

HK is ok - Sydney is better !

I've decided that i'm going to give this a serious go. I'm no longer going to sit here whinging and complaining about how much I don't like HK. Even though I feel like i'm hating it day by day. If you ask me, I can give you a long long list of all the negatives. Sometimes I just sit here, thinking how much I don't like this and how i don't like that, and then try to make myself feel better by thinking of the positive things of HK. I've decided (and i've been told) i'm going to stop thinking about what i don't like all together and make the most of HK. I said i'm going to give myself at least 1 year in HK. If I keep going the way I am, I don't think i can last another 10 months. I've promised myself that when people ask me "do you like HK?", i'm no longer going to answer "no", because then they ask why and then I start listing my complaints.. haha =). I'm just going to answer " Ok la.. BUT Sydney is better " hehee and leave it at that.
Hopefully this will work ** fingers crossed **!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha... GOOD girl!!!