"The Landmark method is more like coaching than teaching, more like conversation than lecture. While conventional education methods focus on content (adding facts, rules, or skills to our knowledge), the Landmark method deals with context - the framework(s) in which content can exist.
Whenever we're limited in life, there is something - a context or framework - that we are blind to and that is holding that limitation in place. Landmark's technology allows you to create breakthroughs in a two-step process in which you:
• Uncover and examine the blind spots or context holding you back in your life.
• Find out where your current context originated and address it for what it really is.
Having completed these two steps, a new realm of possibility is available to you. The constraints from the past disappear. Your view of life, your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions, change - and the change is immediate, dramatic, and without effort. It is a breakthrough."
For more info,visit Landmark @ http://www.landmarkeducation.com/
Since starting my job here in HK, I've been approached by a collegue to join Landmark Forum. For those who don't know what it is; it's a 4 day intense 9am - 10pm course. It cost about $5000 hkd for the 4 days. The way I was first approached, I thought this Landmark Forum wasn't too bad. It's not my type of thing, but I listened and agreed to go on a free information seminar - IF only I wasn't going to be "forced" to take the course.
This collegue and I got to be pretty close friends. We share our day to day things very openly. Our views on our jobs, our relationships and life in general. She is one person who i've learnt to trust and open up to in HK. She has made me feel very welcome in HK and have invited me out to keep me company. Every time we chatted, the topic of Landmark will come up and she would tell me how it's helped her with her life - and of course how it can help me with my life. How it helped her get over her mothers suicide when she was really young. How she coped with her divorce. How it's helped her and her fiance now and how it's helped her in relationships and communicating people. It's brang back memories of how my Christian friends express their thoughts of their religions and how they have been helped. I don't question one's belief, especially since they are my friends so I don't question hers. I only comment on those who express very strongly on their religious beliefs but do opposite. I accept their beliefs. But last night, while chatting with my collegue, I shared with her something thats happened in my life about 4 years ago. It really shattered and hurt me when she told me that Landmark can help me put down and forget the past. She asked me how I was coping and I said "fine" but there are still things I can't put down. She told me about how a guy's wife died and after he went to the Landmark, he was able to put her down and be really happy - straight away. She told me he didn't need "time to heal". It was a breakthrough. Hearing this made me feel so empty - like the people that go to these Forums don't have any feelings and emotions. How can someone just be really happy and let go the fact that he has lost his wife in just 4 days. What about all those memories? She then compared his healing with mine. I really felt hurt and offended. I don't know why. I couldn't express to her how I felt in hearing that. The only thing I could say was "I think my situation is different." I didn't even bother to explain myself to her. I just left it at that.
I know that it's taken me a while to be where I am in my recovery, I know I have my family and my wonderful friends to support me. I know there are certain barriers I cannot cross yet. I know that there are certain things that I cannot put down. I don't doubt that people have had been healed and really good experiences through Landmark. But I don't want to. It's not my type of thing. I know one day I will be able to overcome my barriers. I know I can, when I really really want to.
As well-meaning as your colleague probably is, she sounds like a member of a deranged cult (or at least on commission from Landmark).
Friends share a lot of things, but the most important thing is respect for each other's space and different beliefs. Di I think you're right in not arguing with her, we can all agree to disagree right? She has her perspective and you have yours. Hopefully she can respect you for that and not push Landmark again in your face. It does indeed remind me of friends who are religious fanatics and try to shove their faith down your throat every chance they get, even knowing you don't believe. It's well-meaning but still disrespectful. Really hope for you chickey that your friend/colleague won't be like that.
To 'put someone down' doesn't sound very nice - it's something you do to pets :-)
I think that anyone who is part of the Lanmark Forum feels the need to help people out all the time, like in ways they have suddenly become psychologists.
I am not in any place to say anything bad about the Forum. I attended an information session in Sydney once and I was so skeptical of it and just sniggered at some of the people that went up to speak.
I went with my best friend and two of her colleagues and we left the first opportunity we could get!
In saying that, my best friend is now fully involved with the Forum in HK :-) I love her to death and I respect her. From time to time she also mentions how much she would like me and some other girlfriends to do the Forum.
I do not believe it is for everyone. I know that it is not for me. But how would I know that if I don't try it out?
Well, I believe that everyone finds their own way through things in the end. We all make it in the end, and it doesn't matter which road we take.
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