Thursday, August 16, 2007

6 months in HK already

Time has gone by so quickly and I've already been in Hong Kong for 6 months. It seriously doesn't feel like 6 months - actually yes it does. Sometimes it feels like i've been here a long time and i'm dying for the day that I can come back to sydney, and sometimes it feels like yesterday when I was saying goodbye to my family and closest friends.

In another week - YES!! Offically one week from today, I'll be flying back to Sydney, for 9 days!

Am I excited? Of cos i'm excited.

Am I stressed? Of cos i'm stressed. My workload has just hit rocket roof - I had my first time OT - staying till 7.55pm last night.

I feel so tired.
I feel so exhausted.
I feel I need a break.

I'm really looking forward to meeting my family & friends and my new little addition to the family - Milky!!

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