Saturday, December 15, 2007

Santa Claus is coming ... to town

Christmas to me is full of childhood memories.

I remember when I was back in primary school, when I used to loose a tooth, I was told the story of wrapping my tooth in pink tissue paper, putting it under my pillow at night, and then next morning, a pretty pink fairy, will exchange it for some money under my pillow.

Without fail, everytime, my tooth was taken away from my pillow at night and some gold coins was replaced when I woke up. My dad had a tendency, that when my teeth was wobbly, he would sit there and pull it out for me. In my memory, the image is so clear. I can still picture and remember the whole senario =) He would sit down.. wobble my teeth and say "mm.. I think this one is ready". He would count to 3 and pull it out very strongly.

My reward for being brave and not crying... a great big hug from my dad with assurance it's all OK. He would walk with me to the bathroom sink, prepare some salt water so I can rinse my mouth out, and the next morning, some extra gold goins for being brave to buy lollies at school canteen.

I found it so fancinating at the time. It was like magic. I wondered...

And just like that, Christmas to me is very magical. I was bought up to believe that every Christmas, we'd hang a huge red Christmas stocking at the end of my bed. On Christmas day, it would be filled with goodies, everything that was on my "Wishlist" which, I had to put under my pillow a month before Christmas. There was always an additional suprise present from Santa, who came down the chimney, through our fireplace with a huge bag of presents for all the children who behaved themselves throughout the year.

I remember one year, I wanted to wait up for Santa to say "Thank you". Every year, I never got to say it to him in person, i've always left a card, which he always took away with him. That night, I waited till early hours of the morning, sitting on my bed, but no sign, then I fell asleep. Without fail, the next morning, my huge red Christmas stocking was filled with my favourite things.

As I get older, I obviously started to realise who the real Santa was. I'm really glad i've had this form part of my childhood memory. With Christmas coming soon, thinking back, brings me great warmth and smile of how happy and lucky I was as a child. Here, I'd need to thank dearly that special person who brought me up as a happy child, having these loving memories forever. ** THANK YOU!!

So, this year, as I walked around City Super, I bought a huge red Christmas stocking, hoping this year, i'll get what I am wishing for. hehee ... I think i've been a pretty good girl this year! =)

Christmas to me is very special. A very special day to be with family and friends, lots of love and hugs, and lots and lots of giving.

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