Thursday, July 03, 2008


I have finally and have promised myself that the 10th of July is the date I will start my detox program for 15 days. I will not procrastinate any longer. I really will not.

Happy as I have been, I've finally joined the gym. It's been something i've been meaning to do since I laid my foot in HK, but no, it didn't happen. Now back in Sydney, I've finally motivated myself to join. T challenged me and don't believe that I will go. Now i've got his voice ringing in my head saying "yeh right, as if you'd go".... I've promised T, that I will be going 4 times a week for the next 4 weeks. Let's see how I go. The first week starts next week =)
He's placed a bet on me. I better not lose!!

I've already printed class timetables, highlighted them and have them stuck on my wall !! I can't wait to start!!

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