Sunday, March 29, 2009

Introducing Madeline

Today I went to Royal Hospital for Womens to visit Kalee and Madeline, Maddy.

Maddy is so cute :) She has alot of hair compared to when Penny was a baby. She has big eyes and pointy chin. They say she looks like Don, but I don't think so. Maybe another few more weeks and her features will be more defined.

Mummy & bub are well :)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Stupid theories

I don't believe in Saturns Return. I don't believe in mid life crisis. What you make of your life at 30 is what you've made of it. Why blame it on some myth from the past?

When people say that they've lost direction in their career, is it because they haven't planned it well enough in the past?

When they feel pressure from the workload at work, is it because they do not have good time management skills?

When they feel they don't have enough time for themselves, is it because they have not properly allocated time to themselves. Setting things to do every evening after work. Not prioritising what is important. What events you can say yes to and what events you can benefit from not going to? Just because someone asks you to go somewhere, or do something, doesn't mean you have to say yes.

Because of this non properly organising time, you've put on extra pressure on yourself.

Is spending 2-3 times a week with your partner too much to ask? Do you realise that how you are would affect your partner as well?

Why can't you just be like everyone else and be normal? Why can't you reduce your sporting activities so you would have more time to yourself?

Because you've jam packed yourself, you now realise you don't have time for yourself and want time out. Is this really the way it should be? I seriously don't think so.

These things can be fixed. It's a matter of whether you want to fix it or not. If you don't, this is just going to be a routine. A not good routine. I seriously hope you will do something about it.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Boring Fridays

Fridays are always such a bore!! I just sit here in the office wondering what I should do, even though I have a few files I need to fix and file away. Browing through smh, facebook, emails... surfing the net till I have nothing else to look up...

And with the gloomy weather, I just want to go home and sleep. Anything but work on my files.
Still have another 4 hours of struggle...

I now have something to look forward to when I go home from work.
I now have something that replaces my gym committments after work.
Even just sitting here, I wish I can go home to watch My Queen.
His smile is sooo sweet. I feel like I'm in high school again. Thinking of his smile, I smile too :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

“To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.”

Learn to love yourself

Make a List of Things you Like About Yourself
Sometimes we focus so much on what we’d like to change about ourselves that we actually forget there’s a lot to like as well. So take a few minutes and remind yourself of the positives you can be proud of. Think of physical attributes, mental or emotional strengths, successes you’ve experienced, the way you support your friends, or anything else. Make your list as long as possible, and then keep adding to it.

Ask Others to add to your List
Go to the people you trust—a friend, a romantic partner, a therapist, a family member—and ask them what they’d list as your most positive characteristics. You may be surprised to find out that people see a lot more of your strengths than you realize.

Treat yourself like a Best Friend
You know how you treat someone you really care about? The way you love and support that person and treat him or her with kindness and respect? Do that for yourself. And just as you’d challenge a close friend who’s making bad decisions with his or her life, challenge yourself as well. Just as you would for a good friend, remind yourself over and over again of your immense worth as an individual and that you deserve great things in your life.

Pay Attention to your Needs and Desires
This may sound a bit silly, but some people really don’t know what they want and need. They can go through their entire adult lives living only for others without stopping to ask the question “What do I want here?” or “What’s best for me?” One of the best ways to love yourself is simply to pay attention to what it is that you want and need—in your job, in your relationships, in your friendships, and in your whole life.

Listen to your Self-Talk
Repeatedly calling yourself an idiot or a loser is one of the least loving things you can do for yourself. So today, right now, commit to making your self-talk positive. Maybe take the list of things you like about yourself and repeat some of those attributes as you move through the day. When you do make a mistake, be generous with yourself, and instead of telling yourself how stupid you were to lose your keys, just say, “Oh, well. It happens. Everyone loses things from time to time.” As you talk to yourself, don’t say anything you wouldn’t say to someone else you love.

Take care of your Body
You don’t have to become a marathoner or a supermodel. But do your best to be healthy. Few of us eat exactly as we should or exercise as much as we ought to, so there’s no reason to beat yourself up over not being perfect. But taking small steps to take care of yourself physically is one of the best ways to show yourself love. By treating our bodies well, we send ourselves the message that we deserve good things.

Take Care of your Inner Life
Don’t neglect your spirit. Slow down from time to time and pay attention to what’s going on within yourself, where you’ll find all kinds of reserves to draw on when you need strength and support. Taking the time to pray, meditate, connect with others, and read meaningful books can nourish our love for ourselves and enrich our lives in many ways.

Show yourself Compassion
Be willing to forgive yourself, and be patient as you grow. All of us make mistakes, and we all have certain shortcomings that make it easy for us to get down on ourselves. But remind yourself that you’re only human. There’s no reason to expect perfection. When you make a mistake or notice something about yourself that you don’t like, don’t judge or harshly criticize yourself. Instead, be compassionate and remind yourself that you’re doing your best.

Live in the Now
This isn’t always easy to do, but one powerful way to love yourself is to focus your energy and attention on the present moment. Don’t dwell on the past, with all the painful regrets that might exist there. And let go of the future, with all its crippling concerns and anxieties. Then invest yourself in appreciating all the good in your life right now; pour yourself into the present moment and make the most of who you are right now.

Keep in mind that loving yourself isn’t selfish. Think of the heart, which pumps blood to itself first before sending blood out to the rest of the body.

When you get right down to it, love’s not a feeling, it’s a decision. So make a choice right now to love yourself and to work on loving yourself more fully day after day.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Eating weekend :)

I had a very busy an stressful week at work this week. On top of that, felt abit dull but then the great weekend has made me feel jolly happy again :)

My eating weekend started on Thursday night when the climbing girls went out to Foveaux in Surry Hills for dinner. Yummy cocktails and a nice girly dinner :)

I had a clover leaf cocktail and it was yumm. I chose it because it had egg white in it. Good for the skin! Then we decided to have degustation. The degustation there was pretty average, a few pictures to show.

On Saturday night, we went to Ainoya in Kirribilli for Jap. It's a really nice restaurant.

These are there yummiest dishes

Then Saturday, we went to Andrews house for BBQ. He bought so much food :)
It was also Roy's first time chinese BBQing. Sooo yummy!! We were all so full.

Friday, March 20, 2009


I feel awful today because I accidently slipped out someone else's secrets. I'm usually very good with keeping my friends secrets. I rarely, in very rare instances, do I accidently blurt out someones secrets. Today I did. I'm so sorry. I feel awful. I felt awful from the moment I said it -I realised I should of kept my mouth shut. I feel so so bad. Really bad. I feel like crying but I know it will do no good. Hope you'll forgive me.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Touched by Bec's entry

A dear girlfriend recently posted up a post which I felt touched. I strongly agree with her comments - giving freely to others, not expecting returns. But one day, when in need, the return comes unexpectedly and it's a magnificent feeling. That is how I feel, how I think and what I do - expressed in an even better way :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sel - fish - ness

I have a hate for selfish people. People that live in this world, thinking the world revolves around them. No one else matters but them. All they think about is themselves. It's all about them.

Inconsiderate, selfish, self centred, I would say.

I meet so many people in my job, that it's quite easy to tell when one is selfish. I can tell who is greedy, who is stingy, who is lazy, who is hardworking, who "tries" to show that they are smart, in fact, they have no common sense at all, and those who are truely smart and talented. I tend to analyse and categorise people alot more than I used to.

I'm just fed up with people who thinks the world of themselves and think of no one else. Why are there such selfish people out there?

Pure selfishness.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


My Latte is my precious baby.

For some reason, I can sense and feel when he is:

upset with something, or upset with me
wants to play
or sick...

When he is not feeling well, I feel uneasy too.

The attachment is like two strings tied together. I don't think I can cope if I lost him.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Attempt 2 - because I miss blogging

In the last few weeks, I've realised that I really miss blogging. It's become a hobby of mine. Things have happened where I want to write, to vent out fustration, to share happiness, or just to talk about crap.

I didn't do as I thought I would - write in a journal. I looked back at how many pages I actually wrote - 1 page, no photos, and my handwriting is disgusting!!

It started of pretty and neat and as I write more, it got messy and ugly. I guess we're just being spoilt with doing everything on the computer and we just don't need to write as much on paper.

and also because of certain friends who's being asking about my blog - i've decided to re-open it.

Triple YAY for blogging again :)