Saturday, March 28, 2009

Stupid theories

I don't believe in Saturns Return. I don't believe in mid life crisis. What you make of your life at 30 is what you've made of it. Why blame it on some myth from the past?

When people say that they've lost direction in their career, is it because they haven't planned it well enough in the past?

When they feel pressure from the workload at work, is it because they do not have good time management skills?

When they feel they don't have enough time for themselves, is it because they have not properly allocated time to themselves. Setting things to do every evening after work. Not prioritising what is important. What events you can say yes to and what events you can benefit from not going to? Just because someone asks you to go somewhere, or do something, doesn't mean you have to say yes.

Because of this non properly organising time, you've put on extra pressure on yourself.

Is spending 2-3 times a week with your partner too much to ask? Do you realise that how you are would affect your partner as well?

Why can't you just be like everyone else and be normal? Why can't you reduce your sporting activities so you would have more time to yourself?

Because you've jam packed yourself, you now realise you don't have time for yourself and want time out. Is this really the way it should be? I seriously don't think so.

These things can be fixed. It's a matter of whether you want to fix it or not. If you don't, this is just going to be a routine. A not good routine. I seriously hope you will do something about it.

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