Monday, July 26, 2010

1 week of work left

This is my final week of work before I start my maternity leave. It still hasn't quite hit me that I will be taking 12 months off. 12 months off work seems so long, I wonder if I will get bored.

I feel very tired and exhausted from work. I really want to have a break but then is this really a break? I have a feeling that i'll be more tired looking after a baby than being at work!!

Ray and I have finished our antenatal classes. The classes were very good. It's given me reassurance and a better understanding of everything. The good thing is, it's also prepared Ray for the birth of our child too and how he can help me :P

This week at work, i'll be doing nothing but sitting around, emailing and surfing the internet. Pretty boring :(

Friday, July 23, 2010

Steak Pie

I get abit lost sometimes when I need to think of what to cook for dinner. Thank you Alice for giving me these lovely ideas :)

Steak pie with carrots & mushrooms with mash :)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Dinner for one

Ray's last day at work today so he's gone out to have dinner & drinks with his collegues.

I decided to have a light and healthy meal tonight so I made a salad :)

Mixed leaves with avocado, tomato, beetroot, parmesan & balsamic vinegar.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Penelope & Madeline Wong

Latest update of Penny & Maddy :D

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Ray's Birthday

It's hubby's birthday today and originally I suggested to take him out to a nice dinner, but being the family man that he is, he preferred to have a quiet dinner at home with me so we decided to buy some high quality grade Wagyu to have at home :)

We figured that the best way to have a Wagyu was not in steak form, but to cut them into little bite sized pieces, fry them quickly in the pan on both sides and dipped in soy sauce so is tender and juicy. It's soooo yummm :)