Friday, January 26, 2007

9 days left...

No No No.. I am seriously not counting down. No... really, im not counting down. Why is time going by so quickly ? These couple of days have been used to have catch up lunches, will do promises, family and friend dinners. After Jennifer's Wedding on the 21st Jan, one of the hottest Sunday's ever, I feel I haven't stopped.

Here are my adventures during the last couple of days:

Cupcakes on Pitt Street : Didas is the one with this green icing ~ mines a carrot cupcake .. soooo yummy =P

Australia Day - After dropping Alice & Ah Bec at the airport, we drove past this Cupcake shop in Neutral Bay... unfortunately it was closed .. but we still managed to take a few pics from the outside!

A yummy breakfast lunch at Bills ~

Korean Restaurant in Chinatown that makes yummy cheese rock rice!

mmhh...... alot of things i'll be missing.... =)

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