Sunday, March 23, 2008

Feeling a little sad...

Last night I met up with a very good friend of mine for drinks. He left Sydney this morning. I've known this friend for around 3 years, during these 3 years, we've built a very solid and close friendship.
Saying goodbye was hard. Saying good luck and wishing him all the best was even harder. I'm sure that he knows that I wish him the best from the bottom of my heart. I know he will be very successful wherever he goes. I know he will be more happier to where he is going as this is where his family is.

In the past years, despite working & relationships, we've managed to get together on a regular basis, organising steam boats, parties for different occasions, playing badmington on weekends and dinners. Today, I felt a touch of sadness that this really good friend is now starting a new life away from Sydney.

We will no longer be able to catch up and chat on the phone like the way we used to. Thank goodness there's msn. I hope our friendship doesn't go stale =)

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