Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The end of blogging

I've noticed my blog entries are not as regular as they used to be. I've sat down and thought about why and realised I don't have as much joy and excitement updating my blog anymore.

My blog was for me, was a stress relief. I love writing and sharing my thoughts, but I realised lately that i've been wanting to write but somethings been stopping me. Certain situations may involve certain people and my true inner feelings and now those certain people may be reading my blog. I realise I cannot post wholeheartedly anymore. I can't write what I truely want to write so I rather not write. I feel restricted to what I can and can't write. I've thought of protecting it by putting a password, but I feel that's quite pointless. .

I use my blog as a place to share my thoughts, update my family and friends around the world with what is going on with my life. However, now there's facebook :)

I used to keep a journal. I have many journals. I like journals because they are totally confidential. I can hide it where ever I want. Having my fun of blogging, i've now decided to resort back to a journal. During my blogging, i'm so used to posting pictures up. Now, i'm going to try a scrapbook journal. I'm going to print the photos and stick them on.

I'm going to delete my URL too, but I just thought i'd give you guys some notice before it's gone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why ? dont delete your entries...maybe you will pick up again one day