Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I've been tested again

My patience has been tested again. I've always thought that i'm quite patient. My tolerance for patience is quite high. You'd be really really getting on my nerves for me to feel the way I do.

I often wonder whether it's good to have a really high level of tolerance. It just means that you can tolerate more crap from people and people can take advantage of you because they know that you're patient and they try to push you to your max?

Lately, I've often felt like being in an unopened bottle of Champagne. One that's been shaken and shaken, and when it pops, all the liquids come ooozing out.
Or perhaps a rubber band. One that has been pulled by bratty little kids. Pulled and stretched in every single direction. No longer the same size as it was before. It's now loose and shatty.

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