Tuesday, February 27, 2007

eighth, nineth, tenth, eleventh chance...

Ok... I think i've given my fair go of chances to banana breads here. Why can't they make theirs as good as back home ? I have a sudden urge to open up a banana bread shop or possibly to bake my own.

Today I went to "O" Cafe in Central for lunch with a Syd friend. She said, this place has the best coffee and banana breads in HK. Its a must try then, isn't it ? She said, the banana bread is the best.. better than Sydney, better than Chatty, better than Gloria Jeans.

So.. me having a huge grin on my face all morning, counts down for lunch.. =P

First bite.. dry... tasteless... flavourless...umm where's the banana? yeeeee.... BUT.. the coffee was great =) Another try off my list.

Now.. is it just me? Is my expectations too high? Am I too spoilt from having too much yummy coffees, cakes, desserts & sweets back home ? Or am I just going to the wrong places?

Checking my emails, came through to one which a friend sent to me. Just to make me jealous, just to annoy me.. just me make my craving for bb go up dramatically !! mmh.. yummy.. moist.. soft.. banary... sweet........aarrgggh ~ why don't they have these here?

G: Next time can you send me one from Gloria Jeans? hehe.. I like theirs better =)

My mission for bb continues....

Saturday, February 24, 2007

I am....

I'm so forgetful, I'm so clumsy.....
I'm so worried.....

Friday, February 23, 2007

Third week in HK

My furniture finally arrived !!! This is my bed =)

Living in Hong Kong, i've learnt the following lesson: Need to take a measuring tape when buying furniture. I've realised that there were so many things that i took for granted back home, reason: my mum bought everything. I'm now realising how much it costs to run a home, from buying furniture, to domestic stuff, to food. Thank goodness I didn't have to buy a table, or a fridge or a microwave =)

Due to me forgetting to bring a measuring tape, and me hoping to fit in this wardrobe in my bedroom, not realising how big it was.. i was WRONG!! so now, its ended in the living room, right next to the front door. behind the wardrobe, is the phone to let ppl in.. hehee =)

This table & TV sits opposite the wardrobe. Can you see the black chair ? It fits into the black table (theres 2 of those chairs) so the table can be made bigger. And those 2 pink chairs.... man... i don't know if i am that bad in putting things together, but me & my sis have tried to put the 4 poles together under the round bit but for some funny reason, everytime we lift up the chair, the four stands fall off.. mmh..... they are not sitable & not very stable. I thought that IKEA products were easy to put together??

Now.. off the topic abit.. my latest addiction - dark choc =) sweet and bitter... yummmmm !
After my testing of many different types .. these are my favourites!

And thanks to my beautiful sis - waiting for my furniture deliveries!!! ooh.... and her b'days on the same day as mine.. just many many years younger!!

I went to pick up my new HK ID card today and on the way home, went by Krispy Kreme. I soo miss my sydney sweets, my banana breads, my carrot cakes. Because of CNY, they have red bean doughnuts and they have this orange and mandarin one..abit scared to try.. i stuck to the original ones.. choc & colourful (hundred & thousand) like topping =)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

my taro sago pudding !!!

I think i've finally settled in. This morning I had to wake up at 8am to be in Chai Wan at 10am to "bai lin". After that, my sis, my grandma and I went to my flat in Quarry Bay. Did abit of cleaning & tidying up for tomorrow is the day that my furniture ( bed & wardrobe) arrives!! =)

After cleaning up, went to have some lunch at De Coral Cafe and here I was, thinking that the only dessert I've had in chinese restaurants for after dinner is red bean "sa", almond "lo", and black sesame. All which I don't really like. I've had a craving for coconut sago pudding...
So... while i had 6 hours between now & dinner time ( cos we are going out to dinner for my cousins birthdays) I decided to make some taro sago pudding for my grandma!!
I had to admit, it was very very yummy ~ ho ho mei ar =)

Monday, February 19, 2007

i miss .. i miss ... i miss and ...

i miss my mum & my bro... I miss my friends .....

and something yummy yummy that makes me smile =) ~

A mini guide to my new place !!

Here are some snap shots of my place =) As you can imagine.. its TINY ~ the pics are not the greatest, but i'll post pics when its got my bed & wardrobe too ~ please excuse the messiness =)

This is the kitchen. The kind landlord gave me her fridge & microwave =)

This is the toilet inside my bedroom. Behind the door is the bath tub.

This pic below is taken when standing at the door of the toilet.. this is my bedroom =)

From the bedroom door, this is the living room. My cous & her mega helpful bf was too shy to smile @ the camera!

And from the lounge room, the door next to the TV is the kitchen & the other door is the bedroom door.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

one week of work in HK

I've gone through one week of work in HK now. It's seriously not as bad as what people made it out to be. ** touch wood **... waking up at 8am..(maybe i can wake up 30 mins later now since im 2 stops closer.. hehe) getting to work just before 10.. leaving at 7pm.. i think its not TOO bad. I am thankful that 50% of my work collegues are non-asians and the other 50% are the typical honkies. But i think working in a "qwai lo" environment have changed their attitudes to thinking & attitudes towards other collegues. No doubt, brand names fly around the office galore. Our operations manager came into the office with a diamond Rolex watch, Dior blouse & a Gucci bag. Whats with chinese & their name brands? I don't understand. It's not like the HK salary market is all that good.. or is it?

I've had a really good week, getting to know all my collegues and having my first client already!! Going into at least 2 training sessions a day and sometimes 4. My mind automatically changes when im talking to my Australian boss, and when I talk to our honkie receptionist. It's weird, but i think i've grasped this pretty quickly.

After staying in a teeeeny weeeny rooom for 2 weeks, I've finally moved into my new place in Quarry Bay. In the last couple of days, have made many trips into Pricerite & Ikea. Most.. 90% of my furniture is from Ikea. My aim is to go cheap until i decide whether i will stay here for a longer timeframe....mmh... Will update pics later ~

I'm 70% excited but them 30% nervous. Tonight will be the first time i'm staying at a place where i am not familiar, alll on my own. Thank God for internet access.. but with the 3 hr delay, all my lovely friends will be asleeeep when i log on =(

Here's to wish you all a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR. Wish you all good health, hapiness and success in the year of the GOLDEN PIG!! Take care guys ** hugs **

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Day 1 of work

I've always worked 8am-5pm. I've even worked in jobs where I've worked 8.30am-4.40pm cos I needed to get my 4.50pm bus home. Today, the first time ever that I've stayed at work till 7.30pm!! Time went by amazing quickly, but I forgot to mention.. I started at 10am. hehee =)
Woke up at 8.30am, got into the office, set up my computer & email access which took 1 hr. Had a quick tour around the office again, re-met & re-introduced to collegues I've already met last Weds & Fri. Then went downstairs and had a 45 min coffee at Pacific Coffee with an Executive Manager. Then had lunch for 2 hrs with Pete, and the EM. Went back to the office (this was about 2ish..).. had a generic product training for 1 hour, then a 1 hour break, then another training from 5-7pm. My day went by sooo quickly I didnt even realise it was time to go home! hehehe =)

On another note: Thanks for telling me the good news!! I am very happy =)

Sunday, February 11, 2007

1st week in HK

I've been in and out for as many "non chinese" cafe's I can find, and no.. I can't find a piece of banana bread or carrot cake!!

But...On Friday night, I was invited to my new works conference & annual dinner. The dinner was a fancy dress party (theme - Indian & Cowboys) at Bea's Clubhouse in Sherng Sui. I met all of my collegues and their partners. We all dressed up, had a really nice buffet dinner ** with yummy dessert (strawberry fondeau, coconut sago pudding & custard slice.. which I had 2 pieces!! hehe ) Here is a pic taken with one of the directors at my new workplace =) It was a great day!

Today I went shopping in Causeway Bay with my sis. I went to Pacific Coffee & guess who I saw? HIM! hehhee =) My sis & I played sissors, paper, rock to see who was going to go and ask him for his autograph. Guess who lost? mmmh.. me =(

This was our conversation:

D: Ummh.. excuse me? I live in Sydney and I really like watching your series... the Loon Yun one? Can i have your autograph? ** shy cos i couldn't remember the full name of the series !! hehee

Cheng Ka Weng: Sure, if you don't mind it's not very good (cos his right hand was bandaged (which he smartly hid behind the chair).

D: No problem la ~ Um.. gum can i have a pic with you too?

Cheng Ka Weng: OK ar.. no probs !

D: ** big smile & quickly grabbed my phone to take this pic! hehe

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Missing Home

I'm missing home already like crazy.. miss my family, miss my wonderful friends, miss the nice clear fresh air, miss my car... miss everything about my home!!!

Just a quick update for my friends to what i've been up to these last couple of days..
1. eating. 2. shopping. 3. sleeping. 4. walking. 5. Plenty of walking... =)

Today I went into my new work office in Central. Met the director that employed me.. and met the Aussie director that I will be working with. He took my friend, a lawyer that will be helping me with tax and investment rules offshore and I to a Yacht Club in Wan Chai for a nice lunch. It was sooo nice. The weather was so nice.. nice and sunny, and sitting beside the water brang back warm feelings of home.

One thing that makes me suprised is that yesterday and today, the weather has been between 18-24 degrees. Me, being very sensitive to cold was walking around in t-shirt and jeans. BUT 98% of the people here wear skivvies, thick wolly jumpers and big thick jackets around... they stare at me like im some kind of alien... hahahaa =)

mmh... i think i'm already homesick.....