Tuesday, February 20, 2007

my taro sago pudding !!!

I think i've finally settled in. This morning I had to wake up at 8am to be in Chai Wan at 10am to "bai lin". After that, my sis, my grandma and I went to my flat in Quarry Bay. Did abit of cleaning & tidying up for tomorrow is the day that my furniture ( bed & wardrobe) arrives!! =)

After cleaning up, went to have some lunch at De Coral Cafe and here I was, thinking that the only dessert I've had in chinese restaurants for after dinner is red bean "sa", almond "lo", and black sesame. All which I don't really like. I've had a craving for coconut sago pudding...
So... while i had 6 hours between now & dinner time ( cos we are going out to dinner for my cousins birthdays) I decided to make some taro sago pudding for my grandma!!
I had to admit, it was very very yummy ~ ho ho mei ar =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just had some sampling last sat at Chinatown NY market. I even took two instruction leaflets hoping to make them later.