Sunday, February 11, 2007

1st week in HK

I've been in and out for as many "non chinese" cafe's I can find, and no.. I can't find a piece of banana bread or carrot cake!!

But...On Friday night, I was invited to my new works conference & annual dinner. The dinner was a fancy dress party (theme - Indian & Cowboys) at Bea's Clubhouse in Sherng Sui. I met all of my collegues and their partners. We all dressed up, had a really nice buffet dinner ** with yummy dessert (strawberry fondeau, coconut sago pudding & custard slice.. which I had 2 pieces!! hehe ) Here is a pic taken with one of the directors at my new workplace =) It was a great day!

Today I went shopping in Causeway Bay with my sis. I went to Pacific Coffee & guess who I saw? HIM! hehhee =) My sis & I played sissors, paper, rock to see who was going to go and ask him for his autograph. Guess who lost? mmmh.. me =(

This was our conversation:

D: Ummh.. excuse me? I live in Sydney and I really like watching your series... the Loon Yun one? Can i have your autograph? ** shy cos i couldn't remember the full name of the series !! hehee

Cheng Ka Weng: Sure, if you don't mind it's not very good (cos his right hand was bandaged (which he smartly hid behind the chair).

D: No problem la ~ Um.. gum can i have a pic with you too?

Cheng Ka Weng: OK ar.. no probs !

D: ** big smile & quickly grabbed my phone to take this pic! hehe

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