I'm missing home already like crazy.. miss my family, miss my wonderful friends, miss the nice clear fresh air, miss my car... miss everything about my home!!!
Just a quick update for my friends to what i've been up to these last couple of days..
1. eating. 2. shopping. 3. sleeping. 4. walking. 5. Plenty of walking... =)
Today I went into my new work office in Central. Met the director that employed me.. and met the Aussie director that I will be working with. He took my friend, a lawyer that will be helping me with tax and investment rules offshore and I to a Yacht Club in Wan Chai for a nice lunch. It was sooo nice. The weather was so nice.. nice and sunny, and sitting beside the water brang back warm feelings of home.
One thing that makes me suprised is that yesterday and today, the weather has been between 18-24 degrees. Me, being very sensitive to cold was walking around in t-shirt and jeans. BUT 98% of the people here wear skivvies, thick wolly jumpers and big thick jackets around... they stare at me like im some kind of alien... hahahaa =)
mmh... i think i'm already homesick.....
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