Sunday, March 08, 2009

Attempt 2 - because I miss blogging

In the last few weeks, I've realised that I really miss blogging. It's become a hobby of mine. Things have happened where I want to write, to vent out fustration, to share happiness, or just to talk about crap.

I didn't do as I thought I would - write in a journal. I looked back at how many pages I actually wrote - 1 page, no photos, and my handwriting is disgusting!!

It started of pretty and neat and as I write more, it got messy and ugly. I guess we're just being spoilt with doing everything on the computer and we just don't need to write as much on paper.

and also because of certain friends who's being asking about my blog - i've decided to re-open it.

Triple YAY for blogging again :)


Anonymous said...

Triple YAY!!!! Triple Copy Cat!!!!

Beckster said...

Welcome back on the blogging bandwagon babe. You know I enjoy reading your stories and seeing your pics :) Makes me feel closer to you xo